Another really poor August session, with the transparency being only slightly better than the one I had on the 25th August.
While there are only two objects listed in this session, I did try for a few more Caroline Herschel Galaxies, but failed to make them out.
Session Data
- Date: 31/08/2013
- Time: 20:22 – 21:21 UT
- Temp: 11.0c,
- Air Pressure: 1025Mb,
- Humidity: 83%,
- Dew point: 8.2c,
- Wind Speed: 5.0 MPH .
- Seeing: I Perfectly Stable,
- Transparency: Somewhat Clear.

In the Altair Astro 250mm, Delos 14mm, 145 X, 29.8′ West is to the 10 o’clock.
Another one of these really ludicrous entries. On the initial look I can see fours stars, three of which are bright ( 11.0 and 12.0 mag) . The three bright stars form a triangle with the point facing downwards to the 6 o’clock…. Just off to the South of these four stars, are another two stars running 3 to the 9 o’clock ( 11.0 and 12.0 mag) And that’s it!
Surprised I didn’t notice the 9.3 mag star at the 10 o’clock

In the Altair Astro 250mm, Delos 14mm, 145 X, 29.8′ West is to the 7 o’clock.
Towards the 6 o’clock is a bright star 5.8 mag. At the centre of the FOV there appear to be 5 stars forming a Pentagon – marked in red . If you look closer, embedded within and around the pentagon shape there are some fainter stars peppered around.
However, change to the Altair Astro 250mm, Delos 10mm., 203 X, 21.3′, and you see just off to the 8 o’clock of the Pentagon, a group of five stars that form a crucifix -marked in blue.
I still wonder why this cluster of stars were logged and catalogued, when there are other cluster groups within the same FOV – marked green – that are equally as prominent.