Well Sunday got off to a good start, with a late rise from bed at just gone 10am.

As the Sun was shining, a little walk in the countryside at Five Lanes sounded appealing.

I do need to elaborate the location of Five Lanes I’m using here. It’s not the one just West of Launceston, but a meeting of five country lanes just east of St Erme.

On the way back we found time to do the Coffee and a bit of Cake at Waitrose.

One thing we did notice on driving back through Truro was the massive building works going on in there. At the back of the Alverton was some kind of structure going up and at the top of Morlaix Avenue was yet another housing estate. Truro really is becoming over populated now. The only upside is that all this development will push up property prices  🙂

Then it’s back to Mr Concrete, which according to Sand is is now almost a pleasure now that we have the cement mixer. ( please note the word ‘almost’)

Three bags of sand later, this was result. Took much longer to do that I thought,  but at least these areas are now stabilised and will now stop Amos and his friends getting into the dairy.