Up at semi Sparrows fart this morning to give the doggie a full walk around the Policies. Is that view gorgeous or what? When we have a ball Rubes is completely self contained – and by that I mean no lead or rope attached. Flowering Yarrow in now abundant….. ….as is Red Valerian. We also have a rare entry this year – Common Eyebright. There are only two clumps of this growing in the…
Walking the policies
The first walk of the policies since we got back from our holiday. The Ivytree Field is starting to look really good now and it won’t be too long before the grass is ready for its silage cut….
Walking the Policies
Stuff is really starting to grow at Stonewalls now. We have this Blue thing up in the Meadow Field. Teasels in the Paddock. Lots of Greater Stitchwort in the Pipe and Ivytree Fields. …and the first sighting of Red Clover in the Ivytree Field. We are not sure if it’s our imagination, but we seem to have many more English Bluebells this year. They are dotted all over the place.
Walking the Policies
The Sun shines at Stonewalls today, so a little walk around the policies to admire late Spring in full flow. The Foxgloves are now starting to flower, and the grass is really starting to grow in the Top Field….
Walking the policies
Finished strimming the lower sections of the walls along the driveway. It looks a bit of a mess at the moment, but hopefully it should encourage some new growth now that all the dead grass has been removed. The rough stuff in the Wildlife Field with a quick cut actually looks pretty good. There’s less rock in there than I thought. At least Scott said he wouldn’t be dumping any more Cow Poop anymore….
Linnets & Policies Walk
Caught a brief glimpse of a couple of Linnets in the garden this morning. With the rain we had last weekend, the Buttercup and Daisies in the Garden really have started to flower nicely. Hawkweed and Common Vetch are both prominent in the walls down the driveway. Not seen Vetch here before and it seems quite extensive The bank in the entrance to the First Field is looking good with Dames Violet and…
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