Tag: solar observing

Observing Session: A Week of Solar Sketching 21-27, June

A discussion at our last astronomy club meeting had me thinking it would be fun to try sketching the Sun over a period of time. As luck would have it,  I had made a sketch earlier that afternoon, so decided to give it a go for a week. All observations were made using the TMB 80 refractor and a Delos 10mm eyepiece @ 48x. I did try using the R.C  but found the TMB’s image…

Observing Session: 14, June

I’m really pissed off at the moment! For the last 10 days or so, we’ve had a pretty good streak of reasonably clear skies. The big problem is that  by the time it’s dark enough – about midnight – I’m so pooped that my bed is a more attractive proposition than the observatory 🙁 Even if I wasn’t, the full Moon blazing away, killed any faint glimmer of enthusiasm that I could muster 🙁…