Last week started off with a little bit of excitement. A BAA news email on Monday announced that Comet C/2011 L4 had a few sightings by BAA members in Southern England. Here in Cornwall, we are more Southerly than most, but as yet , this little puppy has eluded all attempts to observe it. While we have had a few clear days this week, the 20 degrees above the horizon where the Comet is,…
Imaging/Observing Session 19, Feb.
Wow. Two clearish nights in a row. Objects: Jupiter, Clavius Crater- The Moon, The Double star Almaak, M51 and two Caroline Herschel objects NGC2204 and NGC381. Session Started 19:27Seeing: II Slight quivering of the imageTransparency: Poor. The Milky way was invisible and only principle Constellations stars were seen below a altitude of 45 degreesAirmass at time of observation: Jupiter – 1.2 , Clavius Crater- The Moon – 1.2 , Almaak – 1.3, M51 – 1.8, NGC2204 –…
Imaging/Observing Session 18, Feb.
Session Stats Session Started 18:56Seeing: II Slight quivering of the imageTransparency: Poor. The Milky way was invisible and only principle Constellations stars were seen below a altitude of 45 degreesAirmass at time of observation: Jupiter -1.2 , Moon- 1.2 Objects: Jupiter and Magnius Crater, The Moon The new weather station has now been up and running for the last three weeks and has been logging all sorts of data. I’m not sure which data…
Observing Session: 2, Feb
Objects M44 (Beehive, NGC 2632, Collinder 189, Melotte 88, Raab 75, OCL 507) followed by Jupiter Conditions: clear with a few isolated clouds low in the West. Seeing was excellent with only momentary quiver. Transparency was good but towards the end of the session became poor followed by complete cloud cover. Observations: Made between 20:55 and 22:20 GMTAirmass at time of observation: M44 -1.5 , Jupiter- 1.3 It’s been a while where the forecast…
Observing Session 30, Nov/1,Dec
Session Stats Air Mass: 1.9Session started: 00:07 GMTSeeing: I: perfect seeing, No quiverTransparency: ClearMoon: 16 days since New : Phase: 0.98 Orion Nebula M42 NGC 1976, Sh 2-281, Bernes 117 A magnificent sight as always. Looking at my logs the last time I observed M42 was on the 5, November of last year. And within 30 minutes too. With a full moon 30 degrees to the East, I didn’t spend too much time looking…
Observing Session 17/18 November
NGC7789 Caroline’s Rose As October was a complete visual washout, it felt odd being outside under a completely dark and clear sky in almost 2 months. It’s at times like this that I wish I lived on the East coast of the UK, where they seem to moan about only getting 5 or 6 clear nights during the month of October – “you’ve never had it so good guys” It all started to go…
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