Session Stats Session Started 18:56Seeing: II Slight quivering of the imageTransparency: Poor. The Milky way was invisible and only principle Constellations stars were seen below a altitude of 45 degreesAirmass at time of observation: Jupiter -1.2 , Moon- 1.2 Objects: Jupiter and Magnius Crater, The Moon The new weather station has now been up and running for the last three weeks and has been logging all sorts of data. I’m not sure which data…
Observing Session 30, Nov/1,Dec
Session Stats Air Mass: 1.9Session started: 00:07 GMTSeeing: I: perfect seeing, No quiverTransparency: ClearMoon: 16 days since New : Phase: 0.98 Orion Nebula M42 NGC 1976, Sh 2-281, Bernes 117 A magnificent sight as always. Looking at my logs the last time I observed M42 was on the 5, November of last year. And within 30 minutes too. With a full moon 30 degrees to the East, I didn’t spend too much time looking…
What's that Blue Stuff?
Well I was about to write that it’s been at least 3 weeks since it’s been clear enough to go out and observe, but I was wrong. My log shows the last clearish night we had was on the 24th June. Either way, it seems like an age since I looked through an eyepiece. Even during the day, the weather has been awful recently, but this morning the sky had larger bits of blue…
DMK Weekend
My long awaited DMK21AUG618 webcam arrived on Friday. This probably explains why most of the weekend there was either total or partial cloud cover. Got all the drivers and software loaded on the pooter, plugged it all in and Bingo – everything works. The USB 2 hub on the pier didn’t like it when I tried to run the camera off it – saying there wasn’t enough power- but just plugging in the power…
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