EAA Observing Session 9, January

Session Data Date:  09/01/2025 Time:  11:20 – 12:20 UT Seeing: I. Excellent Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 5 C, Air Pressure: 1014 mb Humidity: 78% Dew Point: 2 C Wind Speed: 6 mph Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken. All Images are North up and East to the Left Click image for larger version Solar Parameters Bo: -3.98 degrees Lo: 324.82…

EAA Observing Session: 7, January

Conditions were not great. While the evening started OK, high cloud soon rolled in and of the eight 1000 frame .ser files I took, the best was the first taken. While Session Data Date:  07/01/2025 Time:  20:07 – 22:27 UT Seeing: III. OK – Moderate Transparency: IV. Poor with heavy haze Temp: 2 C, Air Pressure: 1005mb Humidity: 80% Dew Point: -1 C Wind Speed: 2mph Average SQM: 20.23 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/8…

EAA Observing Session: 2, January

Well I guess that’s not bad. The first clear night – 2 days into 2025. Having really enjoyed observing Hickson 92 back in November of last year, I have decided to add the Hickson Compact Group list to my observing programme. Session Data Date:  02/01/2025 Time:  22:13 – 02:20 UT Seeing: I. Excellent Transparency: IV. Poor with heavy haze Temp: 2 C, Air Pressure: 1026mb Humidity: 79% Dew Point: -2 C Wind Speed: 4mph…

EAA Observing Session: 13, November

Three nights of observing in a row. Tonight I’ll be going for all those objects in Hidden Treasures that had FOV’s larger than the RC @ f/5.3. Conditions at 21.21 UT are getting worse. Lots of high thin cloud rolling in. Session Data Date:  13/11/2024 Time:  18:10 – 21:55 UT Seeing: I. Excellent Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 7 C, Air Pressure: 1036mb Humidity: 90% Dew Point: 6 C Wind Speed: 4mph…

EAA Observing Session 13, November

Session Data Date:  13/11/2024 Time:  14:59 – 15:29 UT Seeing: I. Excellent Transparency: IV. Poor with heavy haze Temp: 9 C, Air Pressure: 1036mb Humidity: 87% Dew Point: 7C Wind Speed: 6 mph Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken.

EAA Observing Session: 12, November

Two nights of observing in a row. Now testing Sharpcap’s Multi Star FWHM focusing routine. Works just like the others when it comes to the contrast method but the curve is now inverted. The Lunar images were taken with a mixture of Livestack in Sharpcap as well as video .ser files. Even then, I’m still only downloading about 2 frames a second. This is far too slow so I may have to move my…