Conditions were not great. While the evening started OK, high cloud soon rolled in and of the eight 1000 frame .ser files I took, the best was the first taken. While
Session Data
- Date: 07/01/2025
- Time: 20:07 – 22:27 UT
- Seeing: III. OK – Moderate
- Transparency: IV. Poor with heavy haze
- Temp: 2 C,
- Air Pressure: 1005mb
- Humidity: 80%
- Dew Point: -1 C
- Wind Speed: 2mph
- Average SQM: 20.23 magn/arcsec^2
Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/8 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM.
All images are displayed North up and West to the left.

As both the following observations are in the same FOV of the above image on the left , I won’t duplicate it for each observation below. The image on the right is annotated and is of a similar scale to the observation image on the left. Both images span about 1086km across the diagonal. Click each for a full size view.
L35, Triesnecker Rilles

I’m really only getting the main rille that stretches from Crater Hyginus B going South past Hyginus A and ending up at crater Rhaeticus A. You can barely make out a second to the left and below the red profile line, but the rest of the smaller rilles have not been resolved.

I was expecting this rille to be a trench, but looking at the profile plot the ground rises from the west, before falling away slightly at 17km to almost level ground to the East.

I can see a brighter area of surface topsoil heading from the crater Triesnecker to the NEE by about 60km out. The crater itself has a rim that looks like it has been damaged in that the rim looks like it has slumped outwards in three places. The most prominent being to the West where it looks like terracing, but if you plot a profile, you see that the western rim is 500 metres lower than the Eastern one.
L24, Hyginus Rille

I’m not resolving the many sink holes that run along the Western end of the crater Hyginus. The two closest to Hyginus are, but the others just merge into a darker line of shadow. I’m only resolving features larger then 1.5km, so I’d really like to try these again in better conditions and with some kind or Powermate – which I don’t have yet.