Session Data
- Date: 15/01/2025
- Time: 11:07 – 12:07 UT
- Seeing: I. Excellent
- Transparency: I. Extremely clear
- Temp: 9 C,
- Air Pressure: 1036 mb
- Humidity: 88%
- Dew Point: 7 C
- Wind Speed: 6 mph
Scope: TMB 80 f/6 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken.
All Images are North up and East to the Left
Click image for larger version

Solar Parameters
Bo: -4.61 degrees
Lo: 245.93 degrees
P: -4.99 degrees
Diameter: 32′ 34.3″
Sun Groups: 6
Sun Spots: 41
Wolf Number (R): 101
North Groups: 4
North Spots: 25
South Groups: 2
South Spots: 16
Q: 19

These are Sunspot groups 3962 left and 3959 right.
The image on the left were taken with Scope: Altair 250mm f/8 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken. I used Sharpcap’s Live Stack for both images with a total of about 100 of the best 5%.
Comparing the two scopes. I’m really impressed with how well the TMB 80 stacks up with the larger scope. The image on the right is the full 2752 x 2752 from the TMB image cropped at 100%, to provide a similar FOV to the image from the Altair.