Look what the postman has just delivered.
Having seen how successful all my astro friends have been with their new One Shot Colour cameras, I decided to join the them. While the plan is not to use this for taking really deep sky images, but rather allow me to use it as an aid in my various visual projects, when I can’t be arsed go outside in the winter and freeze my tail off outside.
The plan is to use image stacking software such as Sharpcap, and take lots of really short exposures and stack these on the fly. I know there is an ZWO ASO 120 MM guide camera here, but you never know when one of these will be useful.
The main imaging camera is a ZWO ASI 1600MM pro. I decided I didn’t want or need to go down the OSC route and having looked at all the reviews, this camera should more than meet my needs. The EAF electric focuser is also a necessity as, I don’t want to go back to the bad old days of spending 10 minutes turning a focuser knob, when all this can all be done remotely.