This time seven years ago, we were moving into Stonewalls. How innocent we were – do a bit of work on the house and then the weekend country retreat will be finished.
How things have changed.

July 24th 2010 and and Today.

I went to work on the day after we moved in. Sandi had a day off and decided that she would start work on the kitchen. The image on the left is what I cam back to later in the day. After a lot of work over the Summer, this is now what we have.

The sitting room had also been gutted and a substantial amount of work done on it.

Miss Edwards moving her crap…er I mean stuff into the dairy, when then had a working stable door. What she now lacks on the stable door front, she has made up with a new look and a doggie.

You can see a considerable amount of hacking has been done on the back garden.

From the porch looking down the driveway.
The one thing we did notice was the complete lack of pictures we took on the day we moved in. Really odd as this is something we have always done. A missed opportunity and a bit of a shame 🙁