Nick's Stuff
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Solar Observations
Country Life
Astronomy: A Chronology
My Observatories
The DBO1
The DBO2
The DBO 2.1
The DBO 2.1.1
The DBO3
Astro Toys
Observing Projects
Visual Observing
Solar Observations
Messier Catalogue
Caroline Herschel Catalogue
Caldwell Catalogue
Collinder Catalogue
Steve O’Meara’s Hidden Treasures
Lunar 100
Astronomical Images
Imaging at the DBO
The Sun
Astronomy Books
Observing Forecast
Photography: A Chronology
Photography Toys
My Favourites
Latest Images
Country Life
Country Life: A Chronology
Botanical Books
Wildflower Key
Blue Flowers
Pink/Red Flowers
White Flowers
Yellow Flowers
Non Native or Just Odd
Away Breaks
So why this webby?
Contact me
Solar Observations
Country Life
Astronomy: A Chronology
My Observatories
The DBO1
The DBO2
The DBO 2.1
The DBO 2.1.1
The DBO3
Astro Toys
Observing Projects
Visual Observing
Solar Observations
Messier Catalogue
Caroline Herschel Catalogue
Caldwell Catalogue
Collinder Catalogue
Steve O’Meara’s Hidden Treasures
Lunar 100
Astronomical Images
Imaging at the DBO
The Sun
Astronomy Books
Observing Forecast
Photography: A Chronology
Photography Toys
My Favourites
Latest Images
Country Life
Country Life: A Chronology
Botanical Books
Wildflower Key
Blue Flowers
Pink/Red Flowers
White Flowers
Yellow Flowers
Non Native or Just Odd
Away Breaks
Country Life
A tad more cement
A tad more cement
A tad more cement
Nick Tonkin
Country Life
Finished off the stonework on the windows in the dairy
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Away Breaks
Country Life
Radio Astronomy
Blog Archives
2025 (18)
February (11)
Solar Observing Session 26, February
Solar Observing Session 22, February
EAA Observing Session: 15, February
Solar Observing Session 15, February
Solar Observing Session 9, February
EAA Observing Session: 9, February
Solar Observing Session 6, February
EAA Observing Session: 6, February
Solar Observing Session 3, February
EAA Observing Session: 31, January
Solar Observing Session 31, January
January (7)
Solar Observing Session 21, January
Solar Observing Session 20, January
EAA Observing Session 18, January
EAA Observing Session 15, January
EAA Observing Session 9, January
EAA Observing Session: 7, January
EAA Observing Session: 2, January
2024 (14)
November (5)
EAA Observing Session: 13, November
Solar Observing Session 13, November
EAA Observing Session: 12, November
EAA Observing Session: 11, November
Scope Life
October (2)
Solar Observing Session: 27, October
Observing Session : 22, October
September (1)
EAA Observing Sessions, 18, September
May (2)
Sunspot AR3664 Development 6/12 May
EAA Observing Session 11, May
January (4)
EAA Observing Session: 11, January
EAA Observing Session: 10, January
EAA Observing Session: 7, January
Astronomy Overview of 2023
2023 (20)
December (2)
....and another New Toy
EAA Observing Session: 1, December
October (2)
EAA Observing Session: 8 October
EAA Observing Session: 7 October
September (8)
100 Solar Observations
EAA Observing Session : 20 September
EAA Observing Session: 17 September
EAA Observing Session: 13 September
EAA Observing Session: 12 September
EAA Observing Session: 5 September
EAA Observing Session: 3, September
EAA Observing Session 2, September
August (3)
EAA Observing Session 15, August
EAA Observing Session: Comet C/2023 E1
Imaging Session: Comet 12P Pons-Brooks
July (1)
Imaging Session NGC6888 - 21-24 June
June (3)
I have a new observatory
Observing/Imaging Session 4, June
February (1)
A bit of a clear out
2022 (21)
December (1)
Old Toy Alert
October (2)
New Toy Alert.
Olympus Trip Revamp
September (4)
September Solar Observations
3D Printed Solar Filter
A Rubbish Yield
Solar Observing Equipment Update
August (4)
Images from August 2022
A bit more Solar
We have Swallows
Plume of Feathers : Mitchell
July (5)
She's arrived
A bit of Solar
Wales & West Photography Show
A little Trundle
June (4)
The Wheel Inn : Tresillain
First Silage Cut of the Year
Does the Bronica SQ-Ai have a serious flaw?
I'm Back - Again
April (1)
My Sekonic Light meter is dead :-(
2020 (7)
June (1)
Imaging Session: Pelican Nebula IC5070
May (1)
Imaging Session: 14, May
March (3)
Imaging Session: 31, March
Imaging Session: 23, March
First Light
February (2)
It's on
New Toy Time
2019 (3)
May (1)
Spring Silage Cut 2019
April (1)
Imaging Session: 15, April
January (1)
NGC 224 -M31
2018 (8)
November (2)
Big Mushrooms
IC 5146 Colour
October (1)
September (1)
I'm Back....I think!
March (1)
Dairy Doors
February (2)
The Beast from the East
The MkII Bird Feeder.
January (1)
The Dairy Workshop.
2017 (62)
October (2)
Stonewall Rebuild
No more cementing - for a bit.
September (4)
New Pencil Drawings
Lesson Two: The Hand
My first serious drawing
A harrow is not just for harrowing!
August (4)
Now we're inside.
Walking the Policies
Nearly finished.
July (7)
Happy 200 Hours Axel
Happy 7th Anniversary Stonewalls
We have swallows.
More cementing.
Laying the office stoop.
Stuff is blooming
...nearly done
June (6)
All cut and dried.
Scott cuts the grass.
Pointing the Dairy.
It's D.I.Y Time.
Walking the policies
Walking the Policies
May (14)
It's silage time.
A tad more cement
Walking the Policies
a bit of logging.
Moving the roof.
It's a bit Yellow.
Today I mostly be concreting.
Lots of holes for Mr Amos
Walking the policies
Dealing with some Bracken
They've finished
Linnets & Policies Walk
Let the games begin
Ready for the onslaught
April (9)
Mr Cuckoo is back
We plough the fields and scatter...... singy singy!
...and another job finished
Rebuilding a gate end wall
Sweet Vernal Grass with a bit of gate hanging.
A little more digging.
Winchester Weekend 2017
Axel de-hibernates.
March (6)
...and she's done
Slap it on Sand
A harrowing experience
Greenfinches & stuff
Walking the policies.
Greater Periwinkle, Hairy Bitter Cress & Herb Robert
February (9)
The Star Inn. Porkellis
Full on Policies Management
Mr Pellow
Pizza making....
The first hack of the year.
Walking the Policies
Teignmouth Weekend: Day Three
Teignmouth Weekend: Day Two
Teignmouth Weekend: Day One:
January (1)
Reliving my childhood
2016 (5)
December (1)
2016 Wildlife Log
March (1)
Meet Axel.
January (3)
Observing Session 16, January
Observing Session 7, January
Welcome to 2016
2015 (23)
December (1)
2015 Wildlife Log
November (2)
A New Toy: 4, November
Observing Session: 31, October
October (4)
Observing Session: 14, October
Observing Session: 13, October
Observing Session: 11, October
Observing Session: 1, October
September (8)
Observing Session : 30, September.
Lunar Eclipse: 28, September
Observing Session: 26, September
A New Toy: 18, September
Observing Session: 9, September
Observing Session: 6, September
Non Observing Session: 5, September
The Dog's Cahunas
August (2)
Observing Session: 27, August
Finished at last: Observing Session 6, August
May (1)
Well that's buggered the weather for a bit.....
April (3)
Observing Session: 22, April
Observing Session: 21, April
Observing Session: 14, April
February (1)
Observing Session: 15, February
January (1)
Observing Session: 17, January
2014 (25)
December (3)
Observing Session: 28, December
Observing Session: 25, December
Observing Session: 3, December
November (2)
Observing Session: 19, November
Observing Session: 5, November
September (3)
Observing Session: 26, September
Observing Session: 24, September
More New Toys
August (1)
Observing Session: 25, July
July (4)
Observing Session: 23, July
Solar Projection Box
Observing Session: A Week of Solar Sketching 21-27, June
Observing Session: 24, June
June (4)
Observing Session: 20, June
Observing Session: 14, June
Observing Session: 31, May
Observing Session: 27, May
May (4)
Camelopardalids Meteor Shower: 24, May
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower 6th & 7th May
Observing Session 20, May
Lyrids Meteor Shower
April (2)
Observing Session 23, April
...Another New Toy
March (1)
A New Toy
January (1)
Welcome to 2014
2013 (40)
December (2)
Observing Session: 28, December
Geminid Meteor Scatter Observations: 29, November - 18, December
November (2)
Observing Session 21, November
What Balmy Autumnal Evenings?
September (2)
DIY Radio Astronomy: Perseids 2013
Observing Session: 3, September
August (3)
Observing Session: 31, August
Observing Session: 25, August
Observing Session: 16, August
July (4)
Observing Session: 26, July
Observing Session: 17, July
Observing Session: 11, July
Country Life: June
June (3)
A Bit Like Buses
Observing Session: 8, June
Country Life: May
May (6)
What Scorpion?: Observing Session. 25, May
International Astronomy Show Warwick.
A New Toy :-)
Country Life....with a bit of Photography
Observing Session: 2, May
Country Life: April
April (6)
Observing Session: 30, April
Observing Session 29, April
Another Bout of Galaxies: Observing Sessions 26/27 April
M40. What was Messier thinking of? 19/20 April
Observing Session: Galaxy Pig Out: 2, April
Observing/Imaging Session: Comet C/2011 L4 Panstarrs...finally
March (3)
Observing Session: The Elusive C/2011 L4 Panstarrs
Weekend Jolly
February (7)
Imaging/Observing Session 19, Feb.
Imaging/Observing Session 18, Feb.
Country Life
2012 DA14
Par Docks
Observing Session: 2, Feb
January (2)
Over the Top
Welcome to 2013
2012 (28)
December (1)
Observing Session 30, Nov/1,Dec
November (1)
Observing Session 17/18 November
September (5)
Observing Session: 18, September
Observing Session: 7, September
Hexascope First Light: M31
Observing Session: 5, September
Observing Session: 1, September
August (4)
Observing Session: 21, August
Observing Session 19, August
Observing Session 9, August
July (2)
What's that Blue Stuff?
A bit of Art Wank!
June (4)
So what's this Observational Malarky all about then?
The Sunday Brunch
My new toy!
NMM Falmouth
May (11)
Flickr Pola Meet
Do you think I've packed enough film?
Sunspots 1482, 1484, 1486
DMK Weekend
Farewell PX600, Welcome PX100 Cool
Sunspot 1476
The Green Flash
Sunspot Watching
Mare Imbrium Reprocess
Bank Holiday Weekend
Astronomy Section.
2011 (7)
June (1)
May (2)
A 9 day old Moon
The DBO Pheonix
March (1)
iPhone and Rolleicord
February (3)
MkII Webby Now Up
I have a webby