Notice all the trees in our now visible Ash Forest 🙂

Well now that Sand has Sooooo much time on her hands, she decided to de-Bramble the wall between the Garden and the First Field. As you can see, she has been going at full pelt.
While raking the bank a few stones became dislodged and underneath some of them, she counted two Slowworms and a Lizard escaping for cover.

I expect by the end of the week, this whole hedge will be Bramble free except for the Mohican top 🙂

We also hacked away a lot of the dead stalks from the wall to the right of the First Field entrance….and what a difference that has made. It looks so much shorter!
Having just had two absolutely glorious days, Axel has been brought out of hibernation and has been put onto harrowing duties in the garden and the Observatory field. While the ground is able to support the weight of the tractor, it’s soft enough for the harrow to be able to rip out the thatch.
As we plan to sow some wildflower seen in the Observatory Field, it might need another go over with the harrow. With a few days of rain expected later this week, this should hopefully expose a little more soil so that the seed takes.

To be honest, you can hardly see that I spent a litre and a half of Diesel fuel harrowing this little lot!

‘Red sky at night – Shepherd’s warning’…and he was right, it rained the following day.
Oh. I nearly forgot. The harrow on the gravel on the driveway works wonders.