December | |
17 | Thrush in garden |
24 | Collard Dove, wood Pidgeon and Magpie all sitting on the roof of the bird feeder. |
26 | Four Collard Doves sitting on power line |
November | |
5 | Pied Wagtail seen vertically flying up the power pole |
26 | Scott applies slurry to First Field |
27 | Two Starlings seen in bird feeder eating fatballs |
October | |
1 | Gave Deer and Middle Fields the final harrow of the year |
4 | Planted remains of the Grass seed in Deer and Middle field and patches in Paddock and Wildlife Field. |
10 | See Pied Wagtail on the Garage roof. The only one seen so far this year. |
13 | Rutting Deer herd in Tip Field |
26 | Tawny Owl heard hooting in the darkness. |
27 | New Polgear Hilton bird feeder goes live |
28 | Great Tit is first bird seen on new bird feeder. |
29 | Pied Wagtails are back. Song Thrush sitting in tree stump in lawn. Robin and sparrows feeding in feeder on drive. |
September | |
15 | Scott cuts grass in our fields for the second time. Saw a flock of over 20-25 Goldfinches flying off from the wall as I went to work this morning. |
16 | Sand see’s a couple of Greenfinches. |
25 | Robin seen on conservatory step. |
August | |
1 | Possible Little Owl outside bedroom window tweeting at 3:30 this morning. |
2 | Log delivery. Butterfly bush at side of garage starting to flower. |
5 | Montbretia now in full flower. |
7 | Hemp Agrimony growing and flowering in bank by the Garden and First Field |
12 | Little Owl hunting in Observatory Field |
14 | Sand sees Weasel in Garden |
26 | First Pheasant seen for a while. |
27 | Last swallow if the year seen |
29 | House Martins on wire down lane opposite Eddy Kings and flying over our fields in the afternoon. Little and Tawny Owls hooting at 10pm. |
July | |
1 | Meadow Cranes Bill found in driveway bank near garage. |
6 | Common Vetch in First Field has lost its flowers. |
7 | Birds foot Trefoil have replaced most of the Creeping Buttercup in the Garden, especially in the area where the Bunnies dig. Yarrow and Selfheal flowering here as well. Common Knapweed growing in wall by the patio Stinking Hawk’s-beard along most of driveway hedge. White Clover is now out numbering Daisies in the Garden. |
10 | Cleared Bracken from the walls rounds the Middle and Deer Field. |
11 | Set up mouse feeding station with camera. |
12 | Shrew seen on wildlife camera mounted on the woodpile. Selfheal and Greater Birds foot Trefoil now the dominant flowers in the Garden Field. |
16 | 3 mice, a Toad and a lizard seen escaping from the wall remains in the Middle Field |
17 | Possible sighting of Coal Tit on tree in garden. Lots of Meadow Brown butterflies in Garden Field. Scott cuts the grass in all the fields. |
18 | Scott spins cut grass. Second red Poppy growing on the Paddock. More Poppy flower heads popping up too. |
19 | Broad-leaved Willowherb flowering and seeding in bank by garage and garage flower bed. Two hottest days of the year so far 18/19th |
20 | Creeping Cinquefoil identified in garden flowerbed. Dotted Loosestrife found in Garden wall. Tormentil quite prominent in Wildlife Field. Corncockle Seeds planted on Flower bed and Garage bank, just starting to flower. |
21 | Heather flowering in Wildlife Field |
23 | Scott spins cut grass a second time and then spins into rows, followed by bailing. Round Bale YieldObservatory Field = 1Top Field = 4 Pipe Field = 4Ivy-Tree field 3 First Field = 7Total = 19 Deer Field gets its first all over grass and fern cut. |
24 | First application of Low Input Pasture Tolerant Long Term Grass Seed Ley. In Deer and Wildlife Fields |
25 | Cut front of Garden Field to reveal Mole hills. |
27 | Cut grassy mound in garden. Fuchsia bush by drive gateway dropping its flowers |
30 | Yarrow flowers now out in quite large numbers. Foxgloves almost gone now. Just the seed heads left. |
31 | Baby Goldfinches being fed by the parents on the bird feeders. |
June | |
2 | Fox seen wandering in back garden around the bird feeders. Birds foot Trefoil seen in driveway hedge. |
3 | Black bunny in Garden |
11 | Lots of Red Clover now in the First Field. In the margin along the edge of the First Field there is lots of Common Vetch. Buttercup completely cover lawn after. Weeks holiday. Cocksfoot grass seed heads now in garden mound. Foxgloves now in full flower everywhere. All the Azealias have now dropped all their flowers. Sheep Bit seen in the Observatory Field |
12 | Two new Pheasants seen wandering around the Garden. |
14 | Common Birds Foot Trefoil found in Middle Field and Top Field First White Clover seen at Stonewall is Middle Field Sorrel starting to loose its seed pods.need to check species. Both species of Speedwells starting to die off |
15 | Found Pignut in Pipe Field. Bare patch around Marsh Grass in Pipe Field |
20 | Smooth Sow-thistle see in wall in First Field Slender St John’s -wort near rocks on driveway Lesser Trefoil seen in First Field Pencilled Cranes-bill in Garden under the trees. |
21 | Cuckoo still around |
26 | With the reduction in the number of Sparrows roosting in the hedge, the Chaffinches and Greenfinch numbers have increased back up to their two year ago levels. |
28 | False Oat Grass found in First Field |
May | |
3 | First sighting of Cuckoo in signature trees. Slender and Germander Speedwell appearing in the Garden Field. |
7 | Garden Field gets its first cut of the year. |
10 | Cleavers (Sticky weed) and Kidney Saxifrage in Garden Field Ivy leafed Toadwax on the driveway in the Garden Field. |
12 | Orange tipped butterfly seen at Stonewalls for the first time. |
17 | First Greenfinch male seen for a while. |
22 | Garden lawn starting to flower up nicely with Daisies, Speedwell and Creeping Buttercup starting to cover well. Meadow Cranesbill growing near gate to the First Field. Red Clover growing in First Field and Top Field |
Foxgloves coming along nicely. | |
24 | Lesser Stitchwort at bottom of Ivy tree Field. Removed stones and filled in holes with manure in Wildlife Field. Final small stone walk before second cut with flail mower. |
27 | First Linnets (2) and Starling (4) |
28 | Female Chaffinch on bird feeder. Male and female Linnet again today. First Skylarks heard in Andrew Hoskin’s fields. Weed killer on JK Weed in Wildlife Field and on weeds in Paddock |
29 | Linnets still around. A couple of male Chaffinches . Fist foxgloves starting to come out in flower. |
April | |
4 | Three cornered garlic starting to flower on driveway in Garden Field. Variegated Nettles starting to flower. Dogs Violet now in flower.Azalea Japonica , Orange Beauty, Geisha Purple and Hebe purchased |
5 | First Bumble Bee seen. |
11 | First Swallow of the year.. |
13 | Scott Chain Harrows all fields except Observatory field. |
14 | Identify a Shrew night feeding under the bird feeder and see a mouse climbing up into the bushes in order to get to the bird feeders. |
16 | Chain harrow used to clear most of the scrub in the Moorland field. A couple of Wrens seen and heard singing in the right hand garden wall. |
17 | We both sight four Swallows today. I chain harrowed the Observatory Field. Azalea Japonica now in flower. |
19 | First full mow of the Paddock field. |
23 | Mrs Pheasant trying to fly/jump up to the bird feeders. Two Percys’ fighting in the front garden. Flail Mowed Wildlife Field and part of Deer Field. Spanish Bluebells becoming prominent in driveway hedge |
24 | Chain harrowing continues in Middle and Wildlife fields. Spiky Cactus in conservatory is sprouting a flower stem. Fern in Deer field are starting to sprout, but not yet unwinding. Added more logs to the Wildlife Log pile. |
26 | English Bluebells flowing by the Japanese Knott Weed patch in the Wildlife Field. Two Blue Tits in the Scrub Pile in Wildlife Field. |
27 | Sand see’s Great Tits using the nest box. |
28 | Sand hears the first Cuckoo of the year. |
March | |
1 | Scott muck spreads our fields except the Observatory field. |
6 | Forget Me Not, Lesser Celandine, Primrose and Red Campion starting to flower. Just noticed the Spear Thistle crowns now growing in Paddock |
10 | First Bee of the year seen. Three Cornered Garlic leaves sprouting by the driveway. |
12 | First Daffodil flowering on the mound |
19 | Axel and all the toys arrive except the chain harrow. |
20 | Axel digs his first rocks out of the middle field and Paddock. Identified the Blue Tit song. |
25 | 8 Magpies in trees at end of garden. , |
29 | First signs of Square Stalked Willowherb in Middle Field and Fern in Wildlife Field. |
February | |
12 | About 20 Goldfinches seen on power cable lines in garden. |
13 | Rabbits eat Crocus head that was sprouting from the mound. First Dunnock seen singing on Dunnock perch. Daffodils that are flowing are more prominent |
26 | A pair of Collared Doves seen under main bird feeders. |
27 | Magpies collection twigs to build a nest. Unlike last year, they appear to be heading up into the observatory field from the garden. |
28 | Bob’s first leaves starting to sprout. |
January | |
7 | First Daffodil shoots seen in Wildlife Field |
10 | Kingfisher, Curlew, small waders on walk at St Clements. |
19 | First Daffodil shoots seen in Mound. |
31 | The first crocus sprouting in the mound. |
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