Finally managed to go through the data from the Eta Aquarids. The shower was estimated to occur between the 4th and 8th of May.

The IMO’s visual record show peaks on the 6th and 7th of May. I was a little unprepared for this observation and should have started the data collection a 3 earlier. This would have given a better baseline of background activity from which any Aquarid activity would hopefully stand out from.
From the data I have here, yes, there are peaks a few hours before Aquarius reaches its Zenith at 8:00 UT, but nothing really stands out on the following day after. Is this because the reliant is quite low over the Med and therefore any activity is not going to be at a much higher level than the general background?
What I might do with my Camelopardalid data – that I have still to work on, is to plot the daily rise and fall of the showers radiant over the Western Mediterranean and overlay that data on the plot. This should provide a better view of the correlation between the radiants visibility and the shower activity.