Four days of work from our ever reliable builder Nathan Chapman and a replacement dairy roof is now finished. We have a bit of rain coming through over the next 3 or 4 days, so this will be a full test for it. I still reckon that during heavy rain, the runoff will miss the gutter entirely though. It will be good to be able to have a workspace that isn’t growing fern on…
Linnets & Policies Walk
Caught a brief glimpse of a couple of Linnets in the garden this morning. With the rain we had last weekend, the Buttercup and Daisies in the Garden really have started to flower nicely. Hawkweed and Common Vetch are both prominent in the walls down the driveway. Not seen Vetch here before and it seems quite extensive The bank in the entrance to the First Field is looking good with Dames Violet and…
Let the games begin
Not exactly the expected early start due to traffic in Truro, but the sun is shining and it’s not windy. First there is the destruction. Then the piling up of the mess. Then all the beams and sheeting goes on before you get a chance to blink. A nice hefty bit of Tree Wood. The end of Day one. The plan is to do the other side tomorrow. If all goes well, when it…
Ready for the onslaught
All the crap in the Dairy had to be removed so the roofer can start work on it tomorrow. That Portatotty – will it ever get used again. So no Observing from the DBO for a bit then? Which crap do you want me to move? – All of it. Joey all ready to receive. …and here are the befores.
Mr Cuckoo is back
No sighting yet, but the Cuckoos are back. Heard one coming from Arthur’s trees on my way onto work this morning. Coincidently that is to the day that Sand heard them last year. Is that timing or what? The Three Cornered Garlic is now at its peak and both clumps seem to have grown considerably larger than last year. And we have lots of Bees on the Geranium on the flowerbed by the driveway….
We plough the fields and scatter…… singy singy!
Well that’s all the seeding done for this year I think. With the ground in the Wildlife Field harrowed again we seeded the area with a bucket’s worth of seed followed by a raking in. Let’s just hope it rains soon before either the wind blows all the seed away, or the birds eat it all. The first Birds foot Trefoil found on the policies by the entrance between the Wildlife and Ivytree Fields….
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