Well this is all the rubbish left by the builders. I thought most of the wood would be reusable in the new tractor shed, but a lot of it had woodworm, so it’s all be assigned to the wildlife wood pile. This is before. Luckily all the the corrugated is in pretty good nick, so this is going to save a fortune by using this on the tractor shed. We were fortunate that the…
It’s a bit Yellow.
Well the wild section of the garden is looking gorgeous. The piccys don’t show all the blue of the Speedwell, but with the few Daisies by the Leylandii trees, there is a nice spread of colour. In an effort to soften the stonework as well as add a bit of colour, we moved a wheelbarrows worth of Geranium to the Garage flowerbed. It’s looking a bit windswept, but this stuff seems to grow anywhere, so…
Today I mostly be concreting.
Well Sunday got off to a good start, with a late rise from bed at just gone 10am. As the Sun was shining, a little walk in the countryside at Five Lanes sounded appealing. I do need to elaborate the location of Five Lanes I’m using here. It’s not the one just West of Launceston, but a meeting of five country lanes just east of St Erme. I must have taken hundred of images…
Lots of holes for Mr Amos
Now we have a roof on the Dairy, now it’s time to start repointing all the stonework. This work is going to take an age to complete. All of the old mortar has to come out. Not so bad when it’s soft, bit some of this stuff is 100% cement and is hard as nails. My hammer drill is going to take a beating methinks. Hopefully this will be the last time we see…
Walking the policies
Finished strimming the lower sections of the walls along the driveway. It looks a bit of a mess at the moment, but hopefully it should encourage some new growth now that all the dead grass has been removed. The rough stuff in the Wildlife Field with a quick cut actually looks pretty good. There’s less rock in there than I thought. At least Scott said he wouldn’t be dumping any more Cow Poop anymore….
Dealing with some Bracken
With the Bracken starting to become established in the Top and Deer Fields today was the day where it got topped. The grass here was beginning to get a little long, which was beginning to hide some of the smaller rocks, so it really needed doing. The Middle and the top of the Deer Fields also got a No1
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