The flowerbed by the gate is going great guns now. The Corncockle is out and the Calendula is still flowering.
…nearly done
Well we’ve nearly got all of the rotting pointing out. Just a little bit more of the apex to go. Tomoz we start filling in the huge voids with mortar. That vertical line of stone means something. Perhaps the left hand side was not there when originally built, or maybe the door was twice the width than it is now. The join does go all the way to the top though!
All cut and dried.
A day after the grass was cut, it was left a day to dry before spinning. With the forecast of rain the next day, it was ready for bailing. Top Field2 BalesPipe Field2 BalesIvytree Field2 balesFirst Field4 BalesTotal Yield10 Bales That’s 9 bales down on last year. Scott says he plans to get a second cut this year. He said that last year, but the amount cut was so small it couldn’t be picked…
Scott cuts the grass.
It’s grass cutting time at Stonewalls. Scott has been up with the tractor and cut our fields. He’s quite early this year. Last year the same job was on on 17, July. I never seem to catch him actually cutting, so no piccy of the actual event.
Pointing the Dairy.
Well it’s more digging out tons of concrete than pointing, but we are making progress. The mortar around the door is more like concrete and is tough as shit. This is how far progress has been made in about 3 hours work. The area between the two doors has been a lot easier, with the mortar here more like hard cheese. The pointing really wasn’t doing anything to stop the water going right through…
It’s D.I.Y Time.
A bit of a cockup on the pre work piccy front, but here’s what we managed to do in a couple of hours. Even without the pointing, it looks a 100 times better.
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