Session Data Date: 03/08/2023 Time: 21:35 – 22:24 UT Seeing: II Good Transparency: II Clear with some cloudClear with slight haze Temp: 14.1C, Air Pressure: 1019mb, Humidity: 93%, Dew Point: 12.8C, Wind Speed: 8mph Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, No filter, Dark subtracted and Flat fielded. Session Notes: Just slapped on the camera after having fitted some new adjustable extension tubes for spacing. Took 20 x 30 second darks to…
Imaging Session NGC6888 – 21-24 June
Session Data Taken over three nights between 21 and 24 of June. Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, Baader 35nm Ha, Dark subtracted and Flat fielded. Total of 160 x 120 sec subs. Session Notes: Conditions over these three nights were not perfect with transparency ranging from poor to average. This was really a more long term test of the ASI 183MM PRO camera and to see how the non guided…
I have a new observatory
Observatory roofs seem to be my Achilles heel. By 2023 the third iteration of the roof was beginning to get difficult to open again. Rusty trolley wheel axles being the primary culprit. I was also unhappy with the amount of moisture getting into the observatory. We live at 220 metres and regularly are enveloped in low cloud and winds that will drive rain vertically up through the smallest of gaps. Most of this wet…
Well it’s been a very long while since I did any astrophotography. The guys in the club have been very active this year and their enthusiasm started to rub of on me. I knew I had some data taken during one of the Covid lockdowns in 2020, so I updated Pixinsight and went to find the files. The subs were many more than I thought. I did loose a few to cloud, but in…
Observing/Imaging Session 4, June
It looks like completion of the new observatory happened at just the right time. While I’m writing this in July – and the weather at the moment has been awful by the way – first light took place in early June, where like the Spring of 2020, we had a run of about six weeks of clear sky nights. This run was so consistent that you didn’t really need to look at a weather…
Imaging Session: Pelican Nebula IC5070
Session Data Date: 23/06/2020 Time: 23:01 – 23:44 UT Seeing: II Mostly Stable, Transparency: Clear, Temp: 13.9C, Air Pressure: 1021mb, Humidity: 92%, Dew Point: 12.4C, Wind Speed: 2mph Scope: TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/4.8 Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro, Filter: Ha 35nm, Processing: Dark subtracted and Flat fielded in Pixinsight. NGC7000 ( North American nebula) and IC7070 ( Pelican nebula) – both of which are named for blindingly obvious reasons are both…
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