Category: Astronomy

EAA Observing Sessions, 18, September

The Sun Session Data Date:  18/9/2024 Time:  13:40 – 14:40 UT Seeing: III. OK – Moderate Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze. Temp: 19 C, Air Pressure: 1027mb Humidity: 79% Dew Point: 15C Wind Speed: 2mph Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, Astronomik 420nm Pass filter and SBIG G Filter. No Darks or Flats taken. Just a small experiment to compare the Astronomik 420nm Pass filter and the SBIG G filter…

EAA Observing Session 11, May

Session Data Date:  11/5/2024 Time:  23:17 – 00:50 UT Seeing: II. Good – Slight Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze. Temp: 12 C, Air Pressure: 1016mb Humidity: 85% Dew Point: 9C Wind Speed: 8mph Average Seeing: 3.9 FWHM Average SQM: 20.21 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, No Filter. No Darks or Flats taken. Session Notes:  I was hoping to see the Aurora this evening, but apart from a very faint…

EAA Observing Session: 11, January

Session Data Date:  11/1/2024 Time:  20:23 – 23:36 UT Seeing: II. Good – Slight Transparency: II. Clear with some cloud Temp: 0.8 C, Air Pressure: 1039mb,  Humidity: 87%,  Dew Point: -2.8C,  Wind Speed: 6mph Average FWHM: 3.5 Average SQM: 19.69 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, No Filter. Dark subtracted and Flat fielded. Session Notes:  All images are North up and East to the left. Click the image for full size…

EAA Observing Session: 10, January

Session Data Date:  10/1/2024 Time:  20:44 – 00:15 UT Seeing: II. Good – Slight Transparency: II. Clear with some cloud Temp: 0 C, Air Pressure: 1030mb,  Humidity: 84%,  Dew Point: -2.2C,  Wind Speed: 7mph Average FWHM: 3.34 Average SQM: 20.16 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, No Filter. Dark subtracted and Flat fielded. Session Notes:  All images are North up and East to the left. Click the image for full size…

EAA Observing Session: 7, January

Session Data Date:  07/1/2024 Time:  19:29 – 00:05 UT Seeing: III: OK – Moderate Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 0.6 C, Air Pressure: 1031mb,  Humidity: 81%,  Dew Point: -2.2C,  Wind Speed: 6mph Average FWHM: 4.68 Average SQM: 20.16 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM Pro, No Filter. Dark subtracted and Flat fielded. Session Notes:  First image of the night and something appears to be off. the stars are really oval…

Astronomy Overview of 2023

The most exciting thing this year has been the discovery of EAA ( Electronic Assisted Astronomy). For me, it feels just like doing astronomy when looking through an eyepiece. I get the same experience that you get after you have been staring at the object for a priod of time. When you start, everything is faint and ill defined. but as the stack grows, more and more is revealed. I find that you don’t…