Category: Astronomy

Solar Observing Session 26, February

Session Data Date:  26/02/2025 Time:  11:32 – 12:32 UT Seeing: I. Excellent Transparency: II. Clear with some cloud Temp: 8 C, Air Pressure: 1015mb Humidity: 81% Dew Point: 5 C Wind Speed: 11 mph Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM , SBIG G filter. No Darks or Flats taken. All Images are North up and East to the Left Click image for larger version Solar Parameters Bo: -7.18 degrees Lo: 52.66 degrees…

EAA Observing Session: 15, February

Session Data Date:  15/02/2025 Time:  20:15 – 21:47 UT Seeing: II. Good – Slight Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 6 C, Air Pressure: 1014mb Humidity: 90% Dew Point: 4 C Wind Speed: 12mph Average SQM:  magn/arcsec^2 Scope: TMB 80 f/6  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM. Darks but no Flats All images are displayed North up and East to the left. HT37, NGC2175 Located 13.5 degrees North and a little East of Alf Ori…

EAA Observing Session: 9, February

Session Data Date:  09/02/2025 Time:  16:09 – 17:09 UT Seeing: II. Good – Slight Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 6 C, Air Pressure: 1028mb Humidity: 77% Dew Point: 2 C Wind Speed: 6 mph Average SQM:  Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/8  Camera: ZWO ASI 183MM. Distance: 380958Km Apparent diameter: 31.37′ Phase: 34.9° Lunation: 11.14 days Illumination: 91.0% Colongitude: 50.2° Lunar images are displayed North up and West to the left. Astronomik 742nm…

EAA Observing Session: 6, February

Conditions were not great. While the evening started OK, high cloud soon rolled in and of the eight 1000 frame .ser files I took, the best was the first taken. While Session Data Date:  06/02/2025 Time:  20:20 – 00:47 UT Seeing: III. OK – Moderate Transparency: III. Clear with slight haze Temp: 3 C, Air Pressure: 1034mb Humidity: 86% Dew Point: 1 C Wind Speed: 10 mph Average SQM:  magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC…

EAA Observing Session: 31, January

This has to have been one of the most intensive observing sessions I’ve had to date. 10 observed principle targets, containing a total of 26 objects that have been identified and included in these observations. It was also unusual to have reasonable transparency throughout the session. Normally this is poor early on and starts to improve as we approach happy hour from about midnight onwards, where the seeing settles and the transparency improves. Session…

EAA Observing Session: 7, January

Conditions were not great. While the evening started OK, high cloud soon rolled in and of the eight 1000 frame .ser files I took, the best was the first taken. While Session Data Date:  07/01/2025 Time:  20:07 – 22:27 UT Seeing: III. OK – Moderate Transparency: IV. Poor with heavy haze Temp: 2 C, Air Pressure: 1005mb Humidity: 80% Dew Point: -1 C Wind Speed: 2mph Average SQM: 20.23 magn/arcsec^2 Scope: Altair 250mm RC f/8…