Well this Fuji GW670III is not exactly new, as I acquired it in November of 2022, but it’s been a while since I updated the toy section. You may have noticed the last two cameras added to my collection were rangefinders. While this technology has been around since the 1930’s, they fell out of favour in the 1970’s when SLR’s became all the rage. The Mk3 version of this lineup of huge neg rangefinders…
A bit of a clear out
There is a saying that’ You can never have too many cameras’. While I’m guilty of practicing this, there comes a time when where a good Spring cleanout is needed. The first to go was the SQ-Ai. The battery holder design quirk was starting to annoy me and I got myself an earlier SQ body that takes a single battery, to replace it. The other problem was the 40mm f/4. With the fixed lens…
Old Toy Alert
With the demise of my Canon A1, I was looking for something to replace it, as I have nothing else that shoots 35mm. I came across a Canon P review on Youtube and like the idea of trying a rangefinder. The review mentioned Peter Dechert’s book on the full Canon rangefinder line up from the 1935 Hansa to the 1968 Canon 7s, which seemed a good place to start looking for what model to…
New Toy Alert.
Is this the prettiest modern camera you have ever seen? Well I think so, and if you see that even a year or so after its release, there was and still is, a long waiting list to get your hands on one, then thousands of others think so as well. Even secondhand examples are selling for more than the retail price on Ebay. Bonkers. So, looking at all my other cameras, this seems an…
Olympus Trip Revamp
I’ve had this little puppy since 2010 when I picked it up from a camera shop in Bodmin for the princely sum of £19.00. In 2022 you will need to spend up to anything around £100.00 to get a good one, so not a bad return on my initial investment. Looking at the code printed on the back of the pressure plate, mine was manufactured in December of 1979. The lens seemed to be…
Images from August 2022
Beats and Roots 4A D Treloar The Redruth The Library Birdie The Potting Shed Scorched La Bicyclette Arthurs Gate Refuge Corporate Snail Mumfords Revisited Cryptic Syncronised Prickly
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