
Scope: | Altair Astro 254mm F/8 Ritchey-Chrétien |
Camera: | DMK21AUG618 webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | A 2000 frame .avi file captured using Sharpcap v1.4 |
Processing: | Registax 6, best 85% frames with user selected alignment points. Only Level One wavelets applied at about 50%. Loaded into CS5 with a bit of curves and a high pass sharpen. |
Other Comments | Although the Transparency looked fair, there was a lot of very thin high Cirrus, which killed all of the fine detail. However, this is my first webcam attempt at Jupiter with the new webcam, so I was quite happy from an ‘artistic’ view with the result. |
Date Taken: | 01-12-2012 |

Scope: | Altair Astro 254mm F/8 Ritchey-Chrétien |
Camera: | DMK21AUG618 webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | A single 1000 frame .avi |
Processing: | Processing in registax 6 with the default austo process settings enabled. After applying a small amount of wavelet processing the resulting image was run through Photoshop CS5 where a gentle curve boost was given followed by a high pass sharpen. |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 29-11-2012 |

Scope: | Skywatcher Evostar 120ED DS-PRO plus Orion x2 APO Barlow |
Camera: | Imaging Source DMK 21AU04 Webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series IV GoTo |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | 11min avi comprising of 40,600 frames |
Processing: | The avi was run through Registax 6 using the standard settings, but the resulting image required quite a bit of wavelet processing even to produce this result. The imaging setup isn’t ideal for planetary work, so I’m not that dissapointed not to have captured more detail than this. |
Other Comments | The avi was run through Registax 6 using the standard settings, but the resulting image required quite a bit of wavelet processing even to produce this result. The imaging setup isn’t ideal for planetary work, so I’m not that disappointed not to have captured more detail than this. |
Date Taken: | 29-04-2011 |

Scope: | TMB 80 f/6 plus Televue x4 Powermate |
Camera: | Phillips Vesta Webcam |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | 120 secs AVI captured in K3CCD tools |
Processing: | The 900 frames Processed in Registax V4 using manual settings Raw Registax output with mild CS2 Highpass filter sharpening |
Other Comments | A 480mm focal length scope is far too short for planetary imaging…even extending this to 1930mm with a x4 powermate still doesn’t cut it…I need a bigger scope!!! |
Date Taken: | 30-04-2008 |