Lunar 100 objects observed from my observatory
The Lunar 100 list, featured in the April 2004 issue of Sky & Telescope is an attempt to provide Moon lovers with something akin to what deep-sky observers enjoy with the Messier catalog: a selection of telescopic sights to ignite interest and enhance understanding of our nearest celestial neighbour.
This selection was compiled by Charles Wood, who with a lifetime of work as both and amateur and professional Lunar observer, is eminently qualified to guide the interested observer. The selection of the Moon’s 100 most interesting regions, craters, basins, mountains, rilles, and domes, and provide a geological history behind them.
The objects are numbered by the difficulty of observation, with No1 being the easiest. Unlike Messier’s list, not all the objects can be observed in a single night. There is also a column providing the Issue date of Charles Wood’s article on that specific lunar feature.
My main primary reason for adding this observing programme is to fill in those nights when the Moon light is so prominent, that Deep Sky observation is not really possible – and why waste an other clear sky.
Objects that I have made at least one observation is given in the ‘Observations’ column.
id | Name | Feature Type | Feature Size | ST Issue | Observations |
L1 | Moon | 3476 | May 2004 | 1 | |
L2 | Earthshine | 3476 | May 2005 | 0 | |
L3 | Mare/highland dichotomy | May 2005 | 0 | ||
L4 | Apennines | Dorsa | 70 | Febuary 2005 | 0 |
L5 | Copernicus | Crater | 93 | July 2004 and January 2006 | 0 |
L6 | Tycho | Crater | 85 | January 2006 | 2 |
L7 | Rupes Altai | Dorsa | 425 | June 2004 | 0 |
L8 | Theophilus, Cyrillus, Catharina | Catena | October 2004 | 1 | |
L9 | Clavius | Plain | 225 | April 2005 | 1 |
L10 | Mare Crisium | Mare | 540 | April 2007 | 0 |
L11 | Aristarchus | Crater | 40 | March 2005 | 0 |
L12 | Proclus | Crater | 28 | July 2007 | 0 |
L13 | Gassendi | Crater | 101 | December 2004 | 0 |
L14 | Sinus Iridum | Sinus | 260 | August 2006 | 1 |
L15 | Rupes Recta/Straight Wall | Rupes | 110 | December 2005 and August 2006 | 0 |
L16 | Petavius | Crater | 177 | April 2004 | 0 |
L17 | Vallis Schroteri | Vallis | 168 | March 2005 | 0 |
L18 | Mare Serenitatis dark edges | Mare | 24 | June 2007 | 0 |
L19 | Alpine Valley | Vallis | 165 | November 2006 | 0 |
L20 | Posidonius | Crater | 95 | April 2004 | 0 |
L21 | Fracastorius | Crater | 124 | August 2006 | 0 |
L22 | Aristarchus Plateau | Crater | 150 | March 2005 | 0 |
L23 | Pico | Mons | 25 | Febuary 2005 | 0 |
L24 | Hyginus Rille | Rima | 220 | September 2006 | 3 |
L25 | Messier, Messier A | Crater | 11 | January 2006 | 1 |
L26 | Mare Frigoris | Mare | 1600 | September 2005 and April 2007 | 1 |
L27 | Archimedes | Crater | 83 | November 2004 | 0 |
L28 | Hipparchus | Crater | 150 | June 2006 | 1 |
L29 | Rimae Ariadaeus | Rima | 250 | October 2005 | 0 |
L30 | Schiller | Crater | 180 | July 2007 | 0 |
L31 | Taruntius | Crater | 56 | September 2007 | 0 |
L32 | Arago, Alpha & Beta | Crater | 26 | October 2006 | 0 |
L33 | Dorsa Smirnov/Serpendite Ridge | Dorsa | 155 | December 2006 | 0 |
L34 | Lacus Mortis | Lacus | 152 | December 2005 | 0 |
L35 | Triesnecker Rilles | Rima | 215 | September 2006 | 1 |
L36 | Grimaldi Basin | Plain | 440 | April 2005 | 0 |
L37 | Bailly | Plain | 303 | April 2005 | 0 |
L38 | Sabine and Ritter | Catena | 30 | July 2006 | 0 |
L39 | Schickard | Crater | 227 | February 2007 | 0 |
L40 | Janssen Rille | Rima | 190 | February 2008 | 0 |
L41 | Bessel Ray | Ray | June 2007 | 0 | |
L42 | Marius hills | Dome | 125 | October 2006 | 0 |
L43 | Wargentin | Crater | 84 | February 2007 | 0 |
L44 | Mersenius | Crater | 84 | March 2007 | 0 |
L45 | Maurolycus | Catena | 114 | October 2007 | 0 |
L46 | Regiomontanus central peak | Crater | 124 | July 2006 | 0 |
L47 | Alphonsus dark spots | Crater | 119 | August 2005 and April 2006 | 1 |
L48 | Cauchy region | Rima | 130 | December 2005 | 0 |
L49 | Gruithuisen Delta&Gamma | Dome | 20 | March 2007 | 0 |
L50 | Cayley Plains | Palus | 14 | March 2006 | 0 |
L51 | Davy Crater Chain | Catena | 50 | October 2007 | 0 |
L52 | Cruger | Crater | 45 | July 2006 | 0 |
L53 | Lamont | Crater | 106 | September 2007 | 0 |
L54 | Hippalus Rilles | Rima | 240 | December 2006 | 0 |
L55 | Baco | Crater | 69 | March 2006 | 0 |
L56 | Australe Basin | Crater | 880 | May 2006 | 0 |
L57 | Reiner Gamma | Swirl | 70 | October 2007 | 0 |
L58 | Vallis Rheita | Crater | 445 | June 2004 | 0 |
L59 | Schiller-Zucchius basin | Crater | 335 | April 2005 | 0 |
L60 | Domes Kies Pi | Dome | 45 | June 2005 | 0 |
L61 | Mosting A | Crater | 13 | July 2004 | 1 |
L62 | Mons Rumker | Dome | 70 | March 2007 | 0 |
L63 | Imbrium Sculpture | Ejecta Material | November 2006 | 0 | |
L64 | Descartes | Crater | 48 | August 2007 | 1 |
L65 | Hortensius Domes | Dome | 10 | June 2005 | 0 |
L66 | Hadley Rille | Rima | September 2004 | 1 | |
L67 | Fra Mauro formation | Mare | March 2008 | 0 | |
L68 | Flamsteed P | Crater | 112 | November 2004 | 0 |
L69 | Copernicus secondary craters | Crater | 4 | May 2007 | 0 |
L70 | Humboldtianum basin | Crater | 650 | May 2006 | 0 |
L71 | Sulpicius Gallus dark mantle | Crater | 12 | August 2005 | 0 |
L72 | Atlas dark-halo craters | Crater | 87 | April 2006 | 0 |
L73 | Smythii basin | Crater | 740 | November 2005 | 0 |
L74 | Copernicus H | Crater | 5 | April 2006 | 0 |
L75 | Ptolemaeus B | Crater | 19 | November 2006 | 1 |
L76 | W. Bond | Crater | 158 | March 2008 | 0 |
L77 | Sirsalis Rille | Rima | 425 | October 2005 | 0 |
L78 | Lambert R | Crater | 54 | November 2004 | 0 |
L79 | Sinus Aestuum | Sinus | 90 | August 2005 | 0 |
L80 | Orientale Basin | Mare | 930 | January 2005 | 0 |
L81 | Hesiodus A | Crater | 15 | January 2007 | 0 |
L82 | Linné | Crater | 24 | June 2006 | 0 |
L83 | Plato craterlets | Crater | 101 | May 2007 | 1 |
L84 | Pitatus | Crater | 97 | January 2007 | 0 |
L85 | Langrenus rays | Ray | 132 | February 2006 | 0 |
L86 | Prinz Rilles | Rima | 46 | September 2004 | 1 |
L87 | Humboldt | Crater | 207 | January 2007 | 0 |
L88 | Peary | Crater | 74 | July 2005 | 0 |
L89 | Valentine Dome | Dome | 30 | October 2006 | 0 |
L90 | Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins | Catena | 3 | June 2006 | 0 |
L91 | De Gasparis Rilles | Rima | 30 | February 2008 | 0 |
L92 | Gylden Valley | Vallis | 47 | March 2008 | 0 |
L93 | Dionysius rays | Ray | 18 | February 2006 | 0 |
L94 | Drygalski | Crater | 162 | July 2005 | 0 |
L95 | Procellarum basin | Oceanus | 3200 | September 2005 | 0 |
L96 | Leibnitz Mountains | Dorsa | July 2005 | 0 | |
L97 | Inghirami Valley | Vallis | 140 | January 2005 | 0 |
L98 | Imbrium lava flows | Lava Flow | August 2004 | 0 | |
L99 | Ina | Caldera | 3 | August 2007 | 0 |
L100 | Mare Marginis swirls | Mare | November 2005 | 0 |