The Globular Cluster NGC 6205 (M13)
Scope: | Altair 250mm RC f/5.3 |
Camera: | ZWO ASI 183MM Pro |
Mount: | iOptron CEM120EC |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | 30 x 120sec subs, Flat fielded and dark subtracted |
Processing: | There was no background gradient at all, so all that been done on this is to reduce the background noise using Russell Cromans excent Noise Exterminator plug-in for PI and into Affinity to back off the core a little. |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 04-06/2023 |
The Double Cluster NGC 869/884
Scope: | TMB 80mm APO Refractor at f/6 |
Camera: | SBIG 2000 XM |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo |
Filters: | SBIG CFW8 |
Exposure: | LRGB Luminance 5x5min Bin 1×1 Red 2x5min Green 2x5min Blue 2x5min Bin 2×2 . 10c dark subtracted, No Flat |
Processing: | Acquisition CCDSoft v5, Photoshop CS2 curves, colour balance, 2 pixel star size reduction, gentle unsharp mask |
Other Comments | |
Date Taken: | 16-08-2005 |
The Globular Cluster NGC 6205 (M13)
Scope: | Meade LX90 f/6.3 |
Camera: | SBIG 2000 XM |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo |
Filters: | SBIG CFW8 |
Exposure: | LRGB. Luminance 3x5min, R and G 3×5 min, B 2x5min @ -20 centigrade, All Binned 2×2 less Dark Frame. No Flat |
Processing: | CCDsoft align. Photoshop Curves and Levels, R/L Sharpen |
Other Comments | This is my first attempt at colour imaging with the new camera. Focus wasn’t spot on and the seeing was average, so the sharpening used is probably a little on the heavy side. |
Date Taken: | 16-11-2003 |
The Globular Cluster NGC 6205 (M13)
Scope: | Meade LX90 f/6.3 |
Camera: | SBIG 2000 XM |
Mount: | Losmandy G11 – Gemini Series III GoTo |
Filters: | None |
Exposure: | Luminance 3x5min@ -20 centigrade, Binned 2×2 less Dark Frame. No Flat |
Processing: | CCDsoft align. Photoshop Curves and Levels, R/L Sharpen |
Other Comments | My first serious imaging attempt with the new SBIG camera. A pity it wasn’t framed better though. |
Date Taken: | 04-09-2003 |